JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia has adjusted the Rupak Rupiah Ramadan and Berkah Idulfitri (Serambi) 2025 money exchange service.

Executive Director of the Communication Department of Bank Indonesia, Ramdan Denny Prakoso, said that this schedule adjustment aims to make it easier for the public to access the BI Smart Application or Currency Exchange and Withdraw Rupiah.

"The exchange of term IV with a quota of 254,800 will be divided into 2 (two) stages," he said, Wednesday, March 19.

He detailed, for the first phase, namely on Saturday, March 22, 2025, starting at 09.00 p.m. local time, especially for 1,505 points for the exchange location for the Java Island area.

Furthermore, the second stage is on Sunday, March 23, 2025 starting at 09.00 WIB for 1,043 exchange locations in areas outside Java Island.

At the moment of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, he continued, Bank Indonesia also invited the public to take advantage of digital payment transactions through mobile and internet banking which were fast, easy, cheap, safe and reliable.

He added that the public can also take advantage of the transfer of funds using BI Fast which currently provides collective transfer service features (bulk transfer), payments on the basis of request for payment, and direct transfer of debits.

In addition, the public can use QRIS for cash withdrawal transactions, transfers, and cash deposits.

"As an alternative payment method in various public transportation and public service facilities, Bank Indonesia has also provided QRIS innovation without being scanned (QRIS TAP) so that transactions are carried out simply by bringing the smartphone closer to the payment terminal," said Ramdan.

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