Deputy Minister of Industry (Wamenperin) Faisol Riza said that the disbursement of holiday allowances (THR) disbursed by the government and the private sector will gradually boost the growth of the food and beverage industry (Mamin) ahead of Eid al-Fitr 2025.
The reason is, Faisol assessed, the disbursement of THR will increase people's purchasing power, especially ahead of Eid al-Fitr later.
"I am optimistic (Mamin's industry grows) because there is a seven-day holiday. The government has issued a THR policy. Then, maybe there will also be direct cash assistance (BLT), yes. We hope that if BLT is given it will also help with thrust," Faisol told reporters when met after the opening of the 2025 Ramadan Bazaar event at the Ministry of Industry, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 18.
When asked further regarding the projected growth of the food and beverage industry, Faisol was reluctant to mention the figures. He only hopes that the growth of the food and beverage industry in this year's Eid momentum can be better than 2024.
"Anyway, we hope that the already good food and beverage industry in 2024, in 2025 it can also be better," said Faisol.
Even so, Faisol did not deny that the food and beverage industry was facing a number of obstacles. For example, the revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 126 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Unfinished National Trade Development, the availability of raw materials to uncertain global situations.
"And other challenges, as you can see, are not easy in the midst of this global situation, the supply of raw materials is also not easy," he said.
"This is certainly not just a challenge. If we look at it, it is also a very positive opportunity to improve and become a player in a difficult situation," he concluded.
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