JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto said the Anagata Nusantara Power Investment Management Agency (BPI Danantara) or Danantara Indonesia must be managed properly and transparently.

He also emphasized that the Danantara must be audited at any time by anyone.

Danantara Indonesia untuk itu harus dikelola dengan sebaik-baiknya, dengan sangat hati-hati, dengan sangat transparan, dengan saling mengawasi saling. Harus bisa di audit setiap saat oleh siapapun, karena ini sekali lagi adalah milik anak dan anak kita, milik generasi berunjut bangsa Indonesia, tuturnya dalam peluncuran Danantara Indonesia, dilansir dari YouTube Sekretariat Presiden, Senin, 24 Februari.

Prabowo said the formation of Danantara Indonesia marks a new era for state-owned enterprises (BUMN).

According to him, state-owned companies are not only business entities, but as national assets that will become development and growth agents.

The SOEs that we view are not only business entities, but as national assets that will become development and growth agents. Fundamentals for economic growth and people's welfare," he explained.

Therefore, Prabowo said, SOEs must operate with high standards. In addition, it must also develop innovations, big ideas, transparency, technological advances, as well as maintain discipline, and prudence.

"As well as commitment to good governance and responsible management," he said.

Prabowo said that Danantara Indonesia will also become an agent for Indonesia's increasingly strong global role.

Through this initiative, Indonesia will establish strategic partnerships in new and renewable energy (EBT), infrastructure, education, and place Indonesia as a major player at the global level, as well as contribute to regional and world welfare and stability.

Danantara Indonesia menyampaikan kepada dunia bahwa kita siap untuk bekerja sama. Indonesia mengirimkan pesan yang jelas kepada teman-teman kami dan mitra kami di seluruh dunia. Indonesia terbuka untuk kolaborasi, terbuka untuk bisnis, terbuka untuk investasi, dan terbuka untuk kesejah bersama, katanya.

Prabowo added, Danantara Indonesia will allow Indonesia to expand international cooperation.

"And I can only hope that our global partners will recognize Indonesia's potential, not only as an economy that is developing, but as a force for regional stability and mutual progress," he said.

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