JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade continues to encourage Indonesian MSMEs to expand market share in ASEAN through electronic systems in the ASEAN region, one of which is by holding Focus Group Discussions with the theme 'Integrasi E-Commerce Oleh UMKM' in Depok, last Tuesday, April 20.

"Indonesian MSME players have a great opportunity to expand market share in the ASEAN region. This is also because Indonesia is a country with the most advanced electronic commerce system (e-commerce) in the ASEAN region", said Director General of International Trade Negotiations Djatmiko Bris. Witjaksono through an official statement quoted from Antara, Thursday, April 22.

Previously, a similar activity was held in Tangerang on March 31, 2021. This activity is a follow-up to the ASEAN Agreement on E-Commerce and a form of cooperation between the Ministry of Trade, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Goorita.com, the Free Trade Agreement Center in Jakarta, as well as the Depok City Trade and Industry Service.

The Director of ASEAN Negotiations at the Ministry of Trade, Antonius Yudi Triantoro, said that this FGD is expected to be a forum for stakeholders to exchange views on the outcome of the ASEAN Agreement on E-Commerce negotiations.

"We hope that this FGD can also stimulate the active participation of Indonesian MSMEs in the use of the ASEAN Agreement on E-Commerce. So, it can increase the role of business actors in the digital era, improve the national economy, and improve people's welfare", said Yudi.

Also, the Ministry of Trade encourages the participation of MSME players in the 2021 ASEAN Online Sale Day, as an effort to promote e-commerce in the ASEAN region which will take place on August 8, 2021, to coincide with the commemoration of ASEAN's birthday.

The head of the Depok City Trade and Industry Service, Zamrowi, emphasized the importance of government support, especially the city of Depok. This is to facilitate MSMEs in obtaining certification, such as halal certification, intellectual property rights, and Indonesian national standards (SNI).

"Certification is needed to increase the competitiveness of MSME products that will be marketed abroad", explained Zamrowi.

Zamrowi explained, during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the city of Depok actually recorded an increase in the total value of exports to 146 million US dollars, an increase of 25 percent compared to the previous year which amounted to 117.1 million.

Depok's main export products include pharmaceutical products and medical devices, furniture, electronics, food and beverages, fashion, and spices. Also, Depok city has around 1,800 small industries with export potential.

Meanwhile, Goorita.com owner Yuwono Wicaksono added, the Goorita.com platform welcomes the Ministry of Trade's efforts to encourage Indonesian MSMEs to expand their market share, especially in the ASEAN region and hopes for policy support from the Government, including through the ease of export permits for MSME products through E-Commerce, education on import regulations in export destination countries, and facilitating logistics costs.

"We are ready to fully support MSME players to actively participate in trade transactions through e-commerce in the ASEAN region", added Yuwono.

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