JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indramayu Andalan Fisherman Farmers Group (KTNA), Dasma, spoke up regarding the difficulty of local farmers in obtaining subsidized fertilizer. According to him, the condition of subsidy allocation this year, which has decreased from last year, is indeed a challenge for farmers.

"Subsidized fertilizers are not lost, but because the available quota does not meet the amount of fertilizer proposed. This is based on the limited budget available from the government," said Dasma, in a written statement, Wednesday, April 21.

If we refer to the data on the allocation of subsidized fertilizers this year, Indramayu farmers have indeed experienced a significant adjustment in their rations. Based on data from the Indramayu Regency Office Decree No. 06 of 2021, the total allocation of subsidized fertilizer for Indramayu is only 92,095 tons, whereas in 2020 Indramayu received an allocation of 134,530 tons.

The largest decrease in allocation occurred in the subsidized fertilizer of the SP-36 and ZA types. In 2020 Indramayu received an SP-36 ration of 14,145 tons, while in 2021 it only received 319 tons. For the ZA type, last year there were 8,703 tons, while in 2021 it only got 1,650 tons.

Likewise for the NPK type, last year received an allocation of 51,130 tons, while in 2021 it only received 31,102 tons. Meanwhile, for Urea and Organic types, although they decreased, they were not too significant. Moreover, this year the government has also increased the allocation of liquid organic fertilizer.

Dasma admits, regarding the limited quota for subsidized fertilizer for Indramayu, not all farmers have received the socialization. This was then conveyed to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Dasma emphasized that with the limited subsidized fertilizer, farmers in Indramayu are still trying their best to maintain productivity.

"So for farmers it is not a matter of subsidies or non-subsidies, the important thing is there are goods. Alhamdulillah there is no shortage and the results are good," he concluded.

As previously reported, President Jokowi visited Indramayu to see the harvest in Wanasari Village, Bangodua District. On that occasion, Jokowi found aspirations from farmers about the difficulty of accessing subsidized fertilizers.

"Earlier there were complaints from farmers about the price of subsidized fertilizers, especially those whose fertilizers were often lost. It was difficult to find. This is a good input," said the President.

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