Yogyakarta - Holiday allowances (THR) THR itself has been regulated in Ministerial Regulation Number 6 of 2016 concerning Religious Holiday Allowances, which states that THR is non-wage income that must be paid by before Religious Holidays.

Thus, THR should be given by the company at least seven days before the holiday arrives. Luckily for those of you who get THR, but not everyone can manage it well.

We all know, if this year the world is still hit by the COVID-19 crisis, through the VOI TEAM article, we will share some tips on how to manage THR properly and wisely.

Get THR, don't forget to do charity

In the holy month of Ramadan, especially for those who practice it, of course they already know that when they get excess sustenance they have to set aside some for those in need. In other words, it is charity.

Also remember that you, a Muslim, have to pay the obligation of zakat fitrah before Eid. Thus, you can allocate a portion of your THR money for zakat.

Apart from zakat, other charities are charity and infaq. Alms that you can do need not go far in advance, are your family or neighbors in difficult times? Then help those who are seen and with you!

Record Needs and Allocate

Of course, the moment of Eid requires you to spend a lot of unexpected monthly needs. The most important thing is to record all of these needs.

You can use THR money to pay for all your Eid needs. Some of these needs are, for example, the purchase of new clothes and household equipment, food for Eid, to the money that you will share with your nieces or family.

But you still don't forget the needs of your family after Eid. Save at least 25% of your THR money for the needs of entering the new school year of school children or other important needs, sacrifice for Eid maybe?

Don't Forget, Use THR for Investments

Earning THR doesn't mean you have to spend it all, but you can make money back from it. The wisest way to use THR after a number of needs are met is to invest it.

Unlike saving, investing part of the THR during the COVID-19 pandemic will generate profits. By analogy, you plant waste and can harvest it in the future or when needed.

You can take around 10 to 25% of your THR for investing. There are several investments that are currently trending, including stocks, gold, or cryptocurrencies.

Apart from tips on managing THR, follow other domestic and foreign news only at VOI, Time to Revolutionize the News!

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