JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, opened his voice about the issue of SOE Minister Erick Thohir being the Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the Anagata Nusantara Resources Investment Management Agency or BPI Danantara. He said he did not know who would fill the position of Dewas Danantara.

Dasco also said that the figure who will serve as the Danantara Council will also be decided directly by President Prabowo Subianto.

"The supervisory board or whatever will be determined by the President. So he will be the one to be determined, we don't know at this time," he said when met at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 4.

However, when referring to the Problem Inventory List (DIM) of the Draft Law (RUU) concerning the Third Amendment to Law Number 19 of 2003 concerning State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir will serve as Chairman of the Danantara Council after the institution is officially formed.

This is stated in Article 3L which states that the Danantara body organs consist of the Supervisory Board and the Implementing Body. Then, Article 3M stipulates that the structure of the Supervisory Board includes the placement of the Minister of SOEs as Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board consists of the Minister of SOEs as Chairman and concurrent members; Representatives from the Ministry of Finance as members; and State Officials or other parties appointed by the President as members," reads Article 3M of the BUMN Bill.

Then, at the regulation it was also regulated that the appointment and dismissal of members of the Danantara Council was carried out by the President.

Meanwhile, for members of the Danantara Council from among state officials or other parties appointed by the President, they will serve a term of office of 5 years and can only be reappointed for the next one term of office.

Not only that, the position of Dewas Danantara can also end if members die, the term of office has been completed, dismissed by the President, or no longer serves as Minister of SOEs.

Members of the Danantara Council can also be dismissed with several wishes, namely violating the requirements for disclosure and confidentiality.

Then he did not carry out his duties properly, violated ethics and propriety, became a suspect in a case that harmed the state, resigned, was unable to remain, or did not carry out his duties for more than six months.

Meanwhile, referring to Article 30 of the DIM of the BUMN Bill, it is explained that the Supervisory Board's supervisory duties towards the Danantara include several things. For example, agreeing to the annual work plan and budget along with the main performance indicator (KPI) proposed by the Implementing Agency.

Then, evaluate the achievements of KPI; receive and evaluate the accountability report from the Implementing Body; submit the accountability report of the Supervisory Board and the Implementing Body to the President.

Then, determine the remuneration of the Supervisory Board and the Implementing Agency; propose an increase and/or reduction in agency capital to the President; approve the agency's annual financial report; temporarily suspend members of the Implementing Agency; and approve the appointment of a body auditor.

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