JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded the relevant ministers to immediately accelerate the expansion of access and increase in digital infrastructure. Jokowi said he had ordered the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Johnny G Plate to accelerate the provision of internet services in 12,500 villages or sub-districts and public service points.

"Immediately accelerate the expansion of access and increase in digital infrastructure. I spoke yesterday with the Minister of Communication and Information about this. Then the acceleration of internet service provision in 12,500 villages or sub-districts as well as public service points," said Jokowi at the Limited Meeting of Digital Transformation Planning some time ago. , quoted by VOI, Tuesday, April 20.

However, what has happened to this day has not been realized because the Minister of Communication and Informatics does not have the guts to reprimand cellular operators for not building their infrastructure to support Jokowi's program. One of them is the cellular operator PT XL Axiata Tbk, whose shares are controlled by Axiata Malaysia.

Former Gerindra Party Deputy Deputy Chairman Arief Poyuono said XL Axiata operators are not carrying out infrastructure development, especially in eastern Indonesia. Even though this is part of the commitment of cellular operators and obtaining licenses to operate cellular mobile networks nationwide, operators have promised to build cellular telecommunications infrastructure in all regions, including in non-commercial areas.

"Operators often put forward various reasons for not fulfilling their development commitments. Previously, the issue of not having a backbone was used to avoid development commitments," said Arief Poyuono.

According to him, with the availability of the East, Central and West Palapa Ring Packages, there should be no reason for telecommunication operators not to build in the 3,435 villages.

And related to this, especially during COVID-19, an online telecommunication network was needed to support economic and social activities.

"All villages need to be connected by telecommunications. Therefore, Kominfo should immediately conduct an audit of PT XL Axiata's development commitment which only builds in areas that are profitable business. If the audit has been carried out and XL Axiata violates the provisions of the cellular business, Kominfo must revoke XL axiata's license. , "explained the Chairman of the United SP BUMN.

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