JAKARTA - The US and Rupiah dollars have become the talk of netizens. The reason is, Garuda currency in Google strengthens to IDR 8,170.65 per US dollar.

From VOI's monitoring, Jakarta, February 1, 2024, on the Google website, Rupiah strengthened by Rp8,184.6 or 50.04 percent to Rp8,170.65 per US dollar. In fact, the previous closure was at Rp16,355 per US dollar.

The results were based on a search when checking the conversion of the dollar exchange rate to the rupiah using the keyword "dollar to rupiah" at 17.45 WIB.

This makes the keywords of Dollar and USD 1 trending in the X application. Noted, the keywords of Dollar were posted up to 106,000 tweets and 1 USD was tweeted up to 34,800 tweets.

"1 USD= 8,000 rupiah is tight," wrote the tweet of the @pandu** account on Saturday, February 1.

"Wow, what's wrong with USD dropping? Is this the time to buy gold wearer corn stock and popping oil a lot?" write a tweet of the @txtanak** account.

If you look at other application conversions, such as Bloomberg, Rupiah is at the level of Rp. 16,304 per US dollar. Where, Rupiah weakened 48.5 points or 0.3 percent.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)