JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Wamentan) Sudaryono revealed that the salaries of millennial farmers range from Rp. 15,000,000 to Rp. 20,000,000 per month.
This is known from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) program, namely the Food Brigade which involves millennial farmers.
Sudaryono did not deny that the number of farmers was shrinking because there was no regeneration.
Therefore, his party held a Food Brigade program involving the younger generation.
He said the program involved local youths. Then, it will provide agricultural production facilities.
"We have optimized swampland and also printed rice fields. There are no people there, so we formed a brigade of local youths there. If we can, we provide agricultural production facilities, we provide tools so that he can process the land," said Sudaryono when met at Graha Mandiri, Jakarta, Friday, January 31.
This Gerindra politician explained that each group or brigade contains 15 people and works 200 hectares of land.
Currently, at least nearly 1,000 brigades are spread across a number of parts of Indonesia, such as Kapuas, Merauke, South Kalimantan, South Sumatra to Jambi.
"From the processing, 15 people manage 200 hectares. So the income after being calculated, the harvest and so on is reduced by the cost burden and so on, 15 people each get an average of Rp. 15,000,000 to Rp. 20,000,000. That means from millennial farmers who are crowded on social media," he said.
In addition, Sudaryono also explained the reason why the number of farmers in Indonesia was shrinking.
One of them is the variety of jobs in the country.
According to him, this condition is different from the situation in the 1960s or 1970s, where farmers are still one of the main jobs.
"If we compare the year 60-70, job field diversification, right, not as much as now. This means that people in the past, yes, tofu, agriculture. The more we come here, the agricultural land too, right, never add. This is indeed a challenge for us," he said.
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