JAKARTA - PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) or KAI Commuter revealed plans to replace the KRL Commuter Line ticket purchase scheme via counter to digital.
KAI Commuter President Director Asdo Artriviyanto said this is a form of digital transformation that will be carried out by KCI in stages.
"We will launch a payment system this year with several banks, top ups using QRIS, which we will take a long time to eliminate counters. Everything is digital," he said, quoted on Friday, January 31.
The initial stage of implementing digitalization will be carried out at BNI City Station and Sudirman Station by building a Smart Station.
"So everything will be served digitally later," added Asdo.
On this Smart Station, he said, digital services will be applied to in-out, toilet to Musola and will reduce human resources.
"Later, by using digitalization technology and reducing Manpower there. Everything is served with tools," said Asdo.
Asdo said that the implementation of this smart station will be implemented in large stations, while other small stations will be served manually. This is because there are still many people who are not familiar with the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) system
"So later we will try it at large stations, the majority of which are familiar with QRIS," said Asdo.
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