JAKARTA - The Ministry of Downstream Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) noted that investment realization in the fourth quarter of 2024 reached IDR 452.8 trillion or 27.4 percent of the government-assembled target of IDR 1,650 trillion.
Investment Minister Downstream/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Rosan Roeslani said the realization of this investment increased 4.9 percent from the previous quarter. Meanwhile, on an annual basis, it rose 23.8 percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2023.
According to Rosan, investment realization in the fourth quarter of 2024 is equivalent to 36.5 percent of the total Strategic Plan (Renstra) investment target throughout 2024 worth IDR 1,239.3 trillion.
The implementation of the workforce, which created the fourth quarter, is 580,916 people. This is a job that was created because investment entered Indonesia," said the press conference, Friday, January 31.
Rosan added that the realization of this investment is supported by foreign investment (PMA) and domestic investment (PMDN).
"If you look at the percentage, PMA reaches 54.3 percent or IDR 245.8 trillion. Meanwhile, the PMDN is 45.7 percent or IDR 207 trillion," he said.
Meanwhile, investment income outside Java is IDR 260.4 trillion or 57.5 percent, while investment in Java is IDR 192.4 trillion or 42.5 percent.
The realization of investment outside Java in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased by 40.8 percent (yoy), while investment in Java also rose 6.4 percent.
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