JAKARTA - A number of people have complained about the empty stock at the Shell gas station. This was acknowledged by the President Director & Managing Director of Mobility, Shell Indonesia, Inggrid Siburian.

Inggrid said that currently there are several obstacles faced by Shell Indonesia, making it difficult to procure and distribute fuel with this shell logo.

"Shell Indonesia wants to inform you that currently there are obstacles in the procurement and distribution of fuel oil products (BBM)," said Inggid to VOI, Friday, January 31.

On the same occasion, Ingrid also apologized for the difficulties experienced by the community in getting Shell fuel for the past few days.

"We apologize for the inconvenience that has occurred," he added.

Despite the vacancy in the stock of several fuel products, Inggid ensures that Shell gas stations continue to operate and are not closed to serve customers with available service products.

Ingrid said that until now his party could not confirm how long this condition would last, but he ensured that Shell Indonesia would continue to coordinate with stakeholders to accelerate the procurement of fuel stocks.

"Shell Indonesia always coordinates with relevant stakeholders to ensure the availability of fuel products at Shell gas stations as soon as possible," said Inggrid.

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