JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the DPR from the PKB faction Muhammad Khozin assessed that the performance of the KPU and Bawaslu must be evaluated, in the aftermath of the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which ordered a re-voting (PSU) in 24 regions in Indonesia.
According to him, the presence of PSU in 24 regions shows that the work of KPU and Bawaslu as election organizers is unprofessional.
"Reading the PSU's decision by the Constitutional Court, among others, was caused by the unprofessional work of the KPU, due to administrative problems in candidate registration," said Khozin in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 25.
The PKB legislator from the East Java IV electoral district said that if the KPU works professionally by making precise technical rules, the PSU in some areas will not happen. Khozin also mentioned the escape of candidates who have served for two terms, such as in the Tasikmalaya Pilkada.
There are candidates who count for two terms but still pass. The KPU should work according to the rule of law, including the Constitutional Court's decision," said Khozin.
He also highlighted Bawaslu's work in terms of supervising the implementation of regional elections. He mentioned that the PSU decisions in Serang and Mahakam Ulu districts were caused by structured and massive violations.
"Bawaslu's supervision of the implementation of regional elections should be questioned," said Khozin.
Therefore, Khozin suggested that Commission II of the DPR immediately summon the KPU and Bawaslu regarding the Constitutional Court's decision on PSU in 24 regions. According to him, summoning the KPU and Bawaslu is important so that similar incidents in the future do not occur.
"I propose to the leadership of Commission II to immediately hold a meeting with the agenda of summoning the Indonesian KPU, Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, including the Indonesian Bawaslu, Provincial Bawaslu, and Regency/City Bawaslu, whose area is held by PSU," said Khozin.
The Constitutional Court read out the verdict of 40 cases of Dispute on the Results of the 2024 Regional Head Election on Monday, February 24.
In its decision, the Constitutional Court granted 26 cases, rejected 9 cases, and did not accept 5 cases.
There were 24 cases whose verdict ordered the PSU to be held, 1 case was recapitulated the results of the votes, and 1 case was ordered to correct the writing of the KPU's Decree on the Determination of the Results of the Regional Head Election.
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