JAKARTA - PT Mekar Investama Teknologi said that so far it has provided funding to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) with a total of more than IDR 1.5 trillion with outstanding loans of IDR 530 billion.

President Director of PT Mekar Investama Teknologi Pandu Aditya K. said that his party continues to innovate in encouraging financing for those who do not have access to banking and expand the funding segment to productive business actors in the agricultural sector.

"By cooperating with ecosystem partners in the agricultural sector, Mekar is targeting more than 20,000 farmers in West Java and Central Java who have joined this ecosystem as the first step in empowering farmers in Indonesia through a more secure and efficient funding scheme," he said in his statement, Thursday, January 30.

To note, Mekar reaches all regions of Indonesia through collaboration with various savings and loan cooperatives, people's credit banks, and financial institutions with a total reach of more than 300 branch offices in Indonesia. These institutions seek, select, and provide initial funding to small business actors.

Mekar selects borrowers who have a minimum risk of being financed by lenders, namely people who have funds to fund business loans.

Pandu believes that productive funding can have a wider understanding of working capital financing by cooperating with various funding distribution partners, his party can channel funding to more personal segments, especially employees, accompanied by education and financial literacy.

Through this segment, Pandu said that it can channel funding to help increase employee productivity.

"Through longer tenors and lower costs, employees can take advantage of funding facilities to increase their productivity, for example for children's education, emergency needs, especially treatment, to pay off previous high-interest loans beyond their ability," he said.

Pandu said another innovation that his party carried out was the expansion of working capital funding and after previously focusing a lot on micro and ultra micro business funding, Mekar is now also targeting small and medium-sized business segments to support increased employment.

For the innovations made in financing the productive segment, this fintech has succeeded in becoming the choice of the International Finance 2024 Awards, as The Most Innovative P2P Lending Platform in Indonesia. This award will be given directly to Mekar at the peak of the event 21 February 2025 in Bangkok.

This award is an acknowledgment of Mekar as the leading fintech lending platform in channeling productive funding to the Indonesian people through an innovative and inclusive approach.

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