The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) revealed that there were intangible costs in Apple's financial statements for the realization of the commitments that the company had paid worth Rp1.48 trillion in the training and education investment scheme for the 2020-2023 period.
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry, Febri Hendri Antoni Arif, said the intangible costs were unmeasurable funds, originating from sources that could be identified and possibly had a negative impact on the company's overall performance.
"We have received several reports about the use of the Rp1.4 trillion money, yes, 2020-2023. Well, we see that there is a use for intangible costs. It is intangible that we are concerned with," Febri told reporters at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Thursday, January 30.
Apple must realize the remaining investment commitments in Indonesia worth IDR 240 billion from the total commitment of IDR 1.71 trillion. This is because the realization of commitments that have been paid by Apple has only reached IDR 1.48 trillion.
"Because the intangible seems to make the financing a bit big. There is tangible financing. Tangible is for example he buys assets, then what is his name again, buildings, building rentals, land leases," said Febri.
"Well, but there is also a report that they buy items that are not visible, whose intangible value is quite large," he continued.
Febri explained that Apple's intangible costs were not related to Apple Academy's training and education needs.
"There is operational financing which is actually not closely related to the Apple Academy, but it is charged there called intangible," he said.
For this reason, during a negotiation meeting with Apple representatives at the Ministry of Industry, Febri revealed that the Ministry of Industry had asked to increase the offering value of the third scheme, aka Apple Academy training and education.
"Yes, because we saw from their report, yes, that's the financing. We really want the money to be here. So, thank the intangible cost," said Febri.
It is known that Apple's investment in the 2020-2023 period has not fully complied with the Minister of Industry Regulation (Permenperin) Number 29 of 2017, which has provided facilities for Apple to sell its products in Indonesia.
Apple proved and acknowledged that they still have a debt investment commitment of US$10 million for the 2020-2023 period due in June 2023.
Based on these rules, non-compliance can cause Apple to be subject to sanctions for adding new investment capital, freezing the HKT TKDN certificate. In fact, the revocation of the HKT TKDN certificate which resulted in Apple products being unable to be traded in Indonesia.
"TKDN is the main requirement to get TPP. If the TPP does not exist yet, Apple cannot import the iPhone 16 to Indonesia," he said.
With this condition, sales of the iPhone 16 series are still prohibited in Indonesia until Apple meets the TKDN requirements set by the government.
"So TKDN first, then TPP. Then they import," concluded Febri.
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