JAKARTA - The government has decided to make efficiency in the Ministry/Institutional budget (K/L) of IDR 256.1 trillion for the 2025 budget year.
The policy is contained in the presidential instruction (Inpres) number 1 of 2025 concerning the Efficiency of Expenditures in the Implementation of the State Budget and Regional Budget for the 2025 fiscal year. The regulation immediately took effect when it was issued on January 22, 2025.
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that budget efficiency was not carried out in programs, but in the expenditure of each Ministry/Institution (K/L).
"The budget efficiency is not to the program, but to shop for each K/L," he told the media crew, Thursday, January 30.
In addition, he also emphasized that incentives for industry are not affected, and all programs will continue as usual.
"(Incentives to Industry) Everyone is not affected, the program is all running," he said.
Previously, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani had issued a Letter of the Minister of Finance Number S-37/MK.02/2025. Meanwhile, the letter also instructed the Minister/Leader of Institutions to identify the K/L spending efficiency plan.
Referring to the attachment, there are at least 16 items that need budget efficiency, namely office stationery (ATK) with 90 percent efficiency, printing and souvenirs with 75.9 percent efficiency, as well as building rental, vehicles and equipment with 73.3 percent efficiency.
Then, other expenditures with 59.1 percent efficiency, ceremonial activities with 56.9 percent efficiency, official travel with 53.9 percent efficiency, study and analysis with 51.5 percent efficiency.
Furthermore, consulting services with efficiency of 45.7 percent, papat, seminars and the like with efficiency of 45 percent, honorarium for output of professional activities and services with efficiency of 40 percent, and the infrastructure sector with budget efficiency reaching 34.3 percent.
Next, training and technical guidance with an efficiency of 29.0 percent, equipment and machinery with 28 percent efficiency, application license with 21.6 percent efficiency, government assistance with 16.7 percent efficiency, maintenance and maintenance with 10.2 percent efficiency.
However, the savings plan does not include personnel expenditure or social assistance (bansos). This is stated in point 2a.
This efficiency is prioritized apart from the budget sourced from loans and grants, the rupiah is purely a companion unless it cannot be implemented until the end of the 2025 FY.
Then, the budget sourced from Non-Tax State Revenue from the Public Service Agency (PNBP-BLU) except for those deposited into the state treasury for the 2025 FY, as well as the budget sourced from State Sharia Securities (SBSN) and became an underlying asset for the issuance of SBSN.
In addition, K/L was asked to convey the results of the identification of the budget efficiency plan as referred to in point 2a to the DPR Commission partners for approval.
"Submitting a revised proposal in the form of budgeting in accordance with the amount of efficiency in attachments and having received the approval of the DPR Commission partners to the Minister of Finance cq. Director General of Budget no later than February 14, 2025," reads the 2d point.
Meanwhile, if until February 14, 2025 K/L has not yet proposed a revision as referred to in point 2.d, the Ministry of Finance will adjust it independently and register it in the Budget Implementation List (DIPA).
"All processes in the context of efficiency in spending on K/L FY 2025 should be carried out in a transparent, accountable and responsible manner, as well as free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN)," the letter said.
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