JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) through the Directorate General of Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervision (PSDKP) took firm steps to deal with alleged violations of sea space utilization by PT CPS on Pari Island on Tuesday, January 28.

This supervision was carried out by the PWP3K Police of the Directorate General of PSDKP regarding the location of the activity which was previously reported to have carried out reclamation outside the permit given.

"The results of the surveillance show that no activities took place at the location. Officers only found a number of workers on guard and heavy equipment that were not operating," said Special Staff of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Doni Ismanto Darwin, Wednesday, January 29.

To ensure that the activity is completely stopped, the KKP put up a banner to stop the activity, witnessed directly by representatives of PT CPS.

This step is a follow-up to field inspections on January 20, 2025, where reclamation activities were found in the form of excavations and dredging substrates covering an area of approximately 18 m2, which are planned as anchor ponds and ship docking.

This activity violates the provisions in the Approval of the Adjustment of Marine Spatial Utilization Activities (PKKPRL) which was issued on July 12, 2024.

The permit only includes the construction of floating cottages and tourist piers in an area of 180 hectares.

To ensure compliance and prevent similar violations, the KKP has scheduled the collection of materials and information from PT CPS on January 30, 2025.

"This activity aims to explore alleged violations and determine administrative sanctions according to the provisions," he added.

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