MAKASSAR - Acceptance of Customs and Excise Taxes was reported by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) of South Sulawesi (Sulbagsel) until the end of 2024 had reached Rp490.82 billion or 101.94 percent and had exceeded the target of Rp481.49 billion.
Head of Customs Division DJBC Sulbagsel Alimuddin Lisaw in Makassar, Saturday, said this acceptance was influenced by the policy of adjusting Tobacco Income Tax or CHT.
"When viewed from the value and percentage, the percentage is quite good. But this is still ongoing and our acceptance is still achieved and even exceeds every year," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, January 26.
Alimuddin said the realization of customs and taxes revenues in general would increase after entering the middle and peak by the end of the year.
He explained that customs and tax revenues were not only due to CHT adjustments, but also due to rising prices and volume of export commodities in the form of Palm Kernel and the realization of sugar imports.
He said the realization of revenues, excise duty reached Rp103.86 billion or about 103.99 percent of the target of 99.87 billion.
The import fee was realized as much as Rp303.54 billion or 109.51 percent of the target of Rp301.99 billion and the exit fee was realized Rp83.42 billion (104.77 percent) from the target of Rp79.63 billion.
In addition, Alimuddin admitted that if Customs and Excise acts as a protector of the community, taxes also play a role in receiving and increasing through eradicating illegal cigarettes through enforcement operations.
"Dominan penerimaan tau keluar hingga akhir 2024 ini tumbuh cukup bagus dan telah kembali kegiatan ekspor cocoa menjadi faktor utama. Bukan cuma itu, peningkatan harga ekspor cocoa menjadi faktor meningkatnya besaran tau keluar," ucapnya.
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