JAKARTA - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) reported that the progress of the construction of the Youth Elite Sports Center or Cibubur Youth Elite Sport Center (CYESC) in Ciracas, Jakarta, has reached 92.4 percent.

Currently, WIKA is focusing on working on the final stages, such as the mechanical electric work of the north GOR, flooring and bulk head swimming pool.

"#SobatWIKA, the Cibubur Youth Elite Sport Center project has reached 92.4 percent and is currently focusing on the final stages, such as the northern mechanical electric GOR, flooring and bulk head of swimming pools," explained WIKA as quoted from an upload on its official Instagram account @ptwijayakarya, Tuesday, January 21.

WIKA explained that this sports center is designed to support the talent development of young Indonesian athletes and become international sports facilities.

"Later on the inauguration of this project, yes, #SobatWIKA. Cibubur Youth Elite Sport Center coming soon!" he said.

The project mandated by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is now the Ministry of Public Works (PU) is estimated to cost Rp249 billion and will be renovated into a new sports facility.

The CYESC development was built as a form of government support for the readiness of athletes who will compete in the Olympics.

CYESC will be a training center for a number of sports, namely archery, rock climbing, swimming, gymnastic and other branches.

As additional information, WIKA already has a long portfolio for sports facilities projects, including the construction of 2018 Asian Games sports facilities.

This facility includes the Jakarta International Velodrome, the Jakarta International Equestrian Park, the Madya Stadium and other sports facilities in the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) area of Jakarta.

In addition, WIKA has also successfully completed the construction of the Multi Sport Complex in Solomon Country, Pacific Islands.

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