JAKARTA - Chief Executive of OJK Banking Supervision Dian Ediana Rae asked banks to support government programs in building 3 million houses for low-income people (MBR).

Dian emphasized that the role of banking is very important, especially in the distribution of Home Ownership Loans (KPR), but still has to maintain liquidity.

Until November 2024, banking liquidity conditions were considered adequate with the AL/NCD ratio reaching 112.94 percent, AL/DPK at 25.57 percent, and Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) at 213.07 percent.

Meanwhile, the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) is at the level of 87.34 percent.

"This is considered adequate to support increased lending, including financing for the 3 million house program," he said at the Press Conference, Tuesday, January 14.

According to him, his party has also prepared policies to support the program, including adjustment of loan to value (LTV) and transferring credit Minimum Risk Exposure (ERM).

Dian added that OJK provides flexibility in calculating credit quality and excludes the maximum limit of lending for MBR housing.

In addition, Dian conveyed that the OJK also highlighted the role of the capital market through the issuance of Asset-Used Securities (EBA) in the form of Participation Letters (EBA-SP), which are a collection of mortgages and can be a fixed income investment instrument traded in the secondary market.

Dian hopes that this instrument can complement funding sources and help maintain bank liquidity stability. Based on Indonesia Stock Exchange data as of January 13, 2025, there are 9 EBA-SPs traded with a total value of IDR 2.21 trillion.

Dian also emphasized that banks participating in this program can take advantage of a number of incentives, such as down payment subsidies (SDUM) to increase the ratio of LTV candidates for debtors.

"With this incentive, we hope that banks can optimize their role to support the achievement of the 3 million government housing program," he said.

Previously, Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mahendra Siregar said that this policy not only provides a second chance for debtors, but also expands access to housing financing which is the key to the success of the 3 million residential program.

In supporting the housing sector, Mahendra said that the party had implemented a looser asset quality assessment policy where for credit up to IDR 5 billion, banks only needed to use one pillar, namely the accuracy of payments, without the need to evaluate business prospects and debtor performance.

"Banking has a larger capital space to distribute the next mortgage," he said.

In addition, Mehendra said that the OJK also encourages increased liquidity in the housing sector through the issuance of Asset Asset Asset Asset Asset Instruction (EBA SP) instruments which are optimized to support developer funding.

As part of efforts to make the 3 million housing program a success, OJK cooperates with the Ministry of Housing and Settlement Areas to form a special task force (task force) to handle public complaints. Complaints channels are also provided through contact services 157.

"In that case, various complaints related to the KPR submission process for MBR, including the possibility of reports regarding the existence of a paid-up certificate from financing loans at other LJKs whose data may be too late, can be conveyed that we have opened a special complaint channel at contact 157," said Mahendra.

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