JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has opened its voice regarding the plan of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) to apply the excise on Packaged Contained Drinks (MBDK) in the second semester of 2025.
Director of the Investment, Tobacco Products and Budgeting Materials Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Merrijantij Punguan Pintaria, admitted that his party had not heard the information.
"In fact, we haven't heard of this," he said when met by reporters at the Ministry of Industry office, Jakarta, Monday, January 13.
However, the woman who is familiarly called Merri said that the imposition of excise must have a maximum sugar level determination first.
"Because we haven't been informed, that's the first. Second, the basis for the imposition of excise must have a maximum level determination. The maximum level to date has not been discussed. So, maybe we went through that process first," he said.
Merri did not deny that so far the sugar content has not been included in the key paramatter of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). So, there needs to be further discussions regarding this matter.
"So, if the SNI will be used, we will revise the SNI. It will be easier because it only adds one parameter. Meanwhile, other parameters, the discussion has included all stakeholders," he said.
According to Merri, until now his party has not held further discussions regarding this matter. However, he said, the industrial sector will continue to follow the existing government's decision.
"I am afraid to say something, it turns out that later (implementation of MBDK excise) in the second semester will not be completed. So far, we have not started the discussion. So, the industry in principle follows the government's decision, although in the end there will be a decision stating that it must be subject to excise," he said.
Previously, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) of the Ministry of Finance would apply packaged Contained Drinks (MBDK) excise in the second semester of 2025.
Director of Communication and Service Guidance DJBC Ministry of Finance Nirwala Dwi Heryanto said that the implementation of the MBDK excise application was in accordance with the mandate of the 2025 State Budget Law, namely in the second semester of 2025.
"The 2025 target has indeed increased. Regarding the 2025 State Budget Law, it is stated that the packaged sweetened drink is planned according to the schedule for the second semester of 2025," he said some time ago.
In addition, Nirwala said in the HPP Law that the requirement to become a new excisable goods so that it can be implemented is included in the APBN law and must notify Commission XI in charge of finance and to be applied there must be implementing regulations, both Government Regulations (PP) or Regulations of the Minister of Finance (PMK).
According to Nirwala, the implementation of MBDK is not only pursuing state revenue, but also to control excess sugar consumption in the community.
"The principle is to control the consumption of additional sugar. We install the threshold and it will be discussed in the PP. So, not all of them are immediately hit. Below that, they don't get hit, above that they just get hit," he explained.
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