JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir showed his concern for increasing the communication competence of BUMN employees in terms of the use of digital technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI), by holding a workshop with the theme "Navigating the Future of Social Media with AI Technology."

The event, which was held on January 3-4, 2025, became a place to share knowledge and inspiration, exploring the latest trends in the world of social media which are now increasingly influenced by AI technology. More than 100 participants from all SOEs enthusiastically participated in the workshop.

Special Staff to the Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga conveyed the importance of following the times, one of which is by utilizing technology.

"Today we are facilitated by the presence of AI, accelerating our work. For that, starting this year we will learn a lot with technology, it is hoped that all SOEs can glorify whatever is the government's program, Asta Cita President," he said.

Arya Sinulingga further conveyed the importance of building narratives in communicating, building campaigns effectively and efficiently, in order to realize people's expectations for sustainable development.

"As communicators to advance SOEs, friends understand how the program is, which ones need promotion, which ones need innovation. We are looking for angles to build communication with the end goal of improving the Indonesian economy," he added.

The city of Padang was chosen as the first city in a series of workshops. Located at The ZHM Premiere, the event was realized through collaboration between the Ministry of SOEs and PLN, Pertamina, KAI, BTN, Danareksa, SIG and Pupuk Indonesia.

As a company providing leading building material solutions in Indonesia that is adaptive to technological developments, PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) supports the SOE Ministry's initiative to realize Asta Cita Presiden Prabowo through the use of AI-based communication technology. SIG Group includes 7 employees in the workshop.

SIG's Corporate Secretary, Vita Mahreyni, appreciates the Ministry of SOEs for initiating workshop activities for digital utilization and AI in social media communication for BUMN employees. SIG realizes that the presence of AI technology can bring great benefits to support the Company's positive image which ultimately contributes to performance.

"AI technology has brought significant changes in various aspects of life in today's modern era. Especially in the field of communication, AI technology can be used as an effective tool to convey positive messages about companies to the public and stakeholders, and even help optimize marketing activities through digital channels. Hopefully this workshop activity will have a big impact on increasing skills in communicating BUMN employees on social media," said Vita Mahreyni, in a written statement, Friday, January 10.

The workshop activity itself consists of several sessions, one of which is in the form of sharing sessions by Danang Prakoso from Mediatics Digital Indonesia, which explores how AI changes the way content creators and brands interact with audiences, from the preparation of ideas to scripts.

Siti Nur Aisyah and Vira Enjella also shared about how to improve the engagement and HR management (Human Resources Source) that has been implemented at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) in the BRI Creator Hub title.

The event was attended by Ajrun Karim General Manager of PLN UID West Sumatra, Eko Tjahjono Manager of West Sumatra KAI Divre II Goods Transport, M. As'ad Habibudin Head of Public Relations of KAI Divre II West Sumatra, Iskandar Z. Lubis Corporate Secretary of Semen Padang, Nur Anita Rahmawati SM Communication Semen Padang, and BUMN influencers throughout West Sumatra, Riau and Riau Islands.

For two days, participants not only gained knowledge in theory, but also immediately implemented various materials provided by speakers through a group and individual task workshop. In addition, participants were also invited to visit the generator assets owned by PLN Indonesia Power, UBP Teluk Sirih.

See firsthand how the reliability of the Teluk Sirih UBP in the Sumatran electricity system as well as the innovations carried out to support government programs. Starting from the innovation of the green energy co-firing transition to self-sufficiency in energy, the use of FABA (Fly Ash Bottom Ash) for the populist economy to support the electricity availability of the Nutrition Service Unit.

The workshop event was closed with a friendly dinner together as well as awarding the best works from the Group Content and Individual Content Challenge. Muhammad Ikbal from Pelindo won the individual content category and Group 4 as the group content category champion.

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