JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Nusron Wahid revealed that the availability of land for the program of 3 million houses has no problem.
"We think for the program of 3 million houses, there is no problem with land availability. Yesterday we also reported it to the relevant ministers, and everything went smoothly," said Nusron in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 9.
The Ministry of ATR/BPN revealed that there are 864,662 hectares (ha) of land potential to support food security, transmigration and public housing programs.
"We have 854,662 hectares of abandoned land reserves and an additional 10,000 hectares of land converted from business rights (HGU) to building use rights (HGB) due to spatial changes," said Nusron.
To support the people's housing program, Nusron explained that 77,297 hectares of land plus 10,000 hectares of conversion have been allocated for residential development.
This ensures the smooth construction program of 3 million houses that have been launched by the government.
Then from the total reserves, as many as 209,780 hectares were allocated to support the national food security program.
This step is expected to ensure the availability of sufficient agricultural land to reduce dependence on imports of foodstuffs.
In addition, 567,585 hectares of land have been allocated for the transmigration program.
Nusron said this land would be handed over to the Ministry of Transmigration to support population relocation to new areas, create economic growth centers outside Java, as well as reduce population pressure in dense areas.
This step shows the government's efforts to optimize unproductive land to support the national priority agenda.
Nusron emphasized that the synergy between the relevant ministries is the key to ensuring the success of this land allocation.
Some of the priority programs launched by President Prabowo Subianto are achieving food self-sufficiency, ensuring the development of quality housing, and economic equality.
To follow up on these three things, land availability is the most basic thing so that these programs can be implemented.
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