Deputy Minister of Manpower (Wamenaker) Immanuel Ebenezer Gerungan visited and held discussions with the union and management of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex) in Sukoharjo, Central Java, today, Wednesday, January 8.
Noel emphasized that his presence at Sritex was aimed at ensuring that management would not terminate employment (PHK) regarding Sritex's bankruptcy decision.
"Our focus is still on ensuring that there are no layoffs in Sritex, and we ask management to ensure this," he said, Wednesday, January 8.
He also said that the government would continue to be present to support Sritex workers. In addition, President Prabowo Subianto paid great attention to the problems facing the company.
"Sritex is a symbol of the Indonesian textile industry, and the Sritex problem has become a national issue," he said.
Wamenaker added that Sritex's workers and management showed the spirit of patriotism that other workers should imitate.
"I see the patriotic struggle and spirit of Sritex workers is extraordinary," said Noel.
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