JAKARTA - PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) is increasingly showing its commitment to supporting the government to achieve the target of 3 million houses per year through strengthening collaboration with stakeholders and innovation of precision interlock brick products. This derived product from GIS green cement has succeeded in attracting housing developers and the banking sector because it is considered the right solution for environmentally friendly housing development with an easy, fast and efficient process.
During a visit to the SIG Precision Bata Interlock Example House in Bambu Apus, East Jakarta, on Friday, December 27, the General Chairperson of the DPP Association for Housing and Settlement Development throughout Indonesia (APERSI), Junaidi Abdillah appreciated SIG's precision interlock innovation to accelerate housing development in order to make the program 3 million houses a success.
The house construction process with GIS precision interlocks is very fast and the results are very good, and efficient in terms of painting and locking, using only varishes. The products are also smooth, so they can be occupied directly. This is technology that should be disseminated throughout the developer," said Junaidi Abdillah.
Chairman of the DPP Association for Settlement and Public Housing Development (HIMPERRA), Ari Tri Priyono, said that precision interlock bricks are an extraordinary new breakthrough from GIS. According to him, when viewed from the final results, the quality of precision interlock bricks is not only suitable for housing with the FLPP financing scheme (Housing Financing Liquidity Facility), but also very suitable for commercial housing.
The position is good, the quality is good. So this precision interlock brick is very appropriate to support the construction of 3 million houses. The construction process is also fast, twenty-one days can be completed. In fact, maybe if the repairman is faster, maybe two weeks can be finished. This really helps the 3 million houses for the people, let alone done by SIG, BUMN, which certainly has attention to support the development of the country. We from the association really appreciate and fully support it. We will socialize this to our members," said Ari Tri Priyono.
Chairman of the National House Developers and Marketers Association (ASPRUMNAS), M. Syawali P. also expressed his pleasure in being able to visit and see firsthand the precision interlock brick product application which is considered very practical, effective and efficient.
I see this precision interlock has advantages in terms of speed, tidiness, and more efficient costs because it can be done with a small amount of workforce. Hopefully in the future this precision interlock brick will continue to improve the quality and quality that ensures the safety of the soul. Because I saw earlier that the model house was very good, smooth and very effective," said M. Syawali P.
The developer representative, Joko Santosa, who is the CEO of Asatu Corporation, shared his experience in building MBR (Low-Income Community) pilot residences that are environmentally friendly in collaboration with the housing ecosystem of the Ministry of PUPR, Kendal Regional Government, Land Bank, BP Tapera, SMF and BTN using precision interlock bricks in Kendal, Central Java.
According to him, the use of precision interlock bricks makes construction costs more efficient, the construction results are sturdy with an aesthetic appearance, and are able to condition the air in the room to remain cool both during the day and at night.
Another advantage that is most important for us is the speed of work time. So, we can build twice as fast as time if we build using conventional materials normally. In terms of cost efficiency, it reaches approximately 35 percent, both material and repair costs. As for the handyman, we usually build it with eight weeks for one house. Well, this is enough for two weeks the building has been completed," said Joko Santosa.
The President Director of SIG, Donny Arsal, expressed his gratitude to BTN and the developers who have visited the Bata Interlock Precision Example House, so that GIG can introduce precision interlock brick technology. SIG believes that the gathering of stakeholders in the housing sector is based on the common vision to provide environmentally friendly, quality and affordable housing for the community.
After introducing the Bata Interlock Precision Type 36 Example House in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) last August, now GIS presents the Bata Interlock Presisi Example House type 36 and type 57 in Bambu Apus, East Jakarta. Precision interlocks are the result of applied research and work mechanisms that lock each other between beams such as the lego system.
The use of precision interlock bricks provides many advantages in housing development rather than conventional materials, because it is more efficient in the use of materials, easier in application which makes the duration of development faster, and has been declared earthquake friendly.
In addition to the example house, SIG also applies innovative cement-based green concrete solutions, such as decorative concrete solutions, and paving blocks as solutions for inundated areas. The presence of environmentally friendly building materials that can accelerate the construction of the house is expected to be a concrete solution to support the Government in providing decent housing for the community. This spirit is in line with the direction of the Ministry of SOEs to provide affordable and sustainable housing solutions
"To support the government, meeting the target of building 3 million houses per year requires collaboration from all parties and of course technological innovation. Precision interlocks are technology that changes the housing development method to be easier, faster and more efficient, with strong construction quality and a modern appearance, thus providing added value for developers and homeowners," said Donny Arsal.
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