JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) targets regulations related to the implementation of the 40 percent biodiesel mixed fuel program (B40) to be completed this week.

"Yes, hopefully it (the minister's decision) this week will be completed," said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Yuliot Tanjung after attending a coordination meeting on corruption prevention at the Attorney General's Office, Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 2.

Yuliot said that the regulation in the form of a ministerial decision was in the consolidation stage after checking in the field a few days before the 2025 New Year celebration.

Biodiesel B40 is a fuel mixture of diesel as much as 60 percent and vegetable fuel (BBN) from palm oil as much as 40 percent.

Currently, Yuliot said the implementation of the B40 program is still in the transition stage.

"B40 is just the regulation, we have just determined the determination, and later in its implementation there will still be a transition," he said.

The government continues to prepare the implementation of the B40 program in 2025 as part of efforts to achieve energy security, while at the same time supporting a green and sustainable Indonesia.

This step is in line with President Prabowo Subianto's Astacita which sets food and energy security as a national priority.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will implement B40 this year, with a target volume of B40 to be produced, overall, of 15.62 million kiloliters.

This figure includes distribution throughout Indonesia, so that readiness in terms of raw materials and supply chains is a top priority.

Related to this, PT Pertamina (Persero) has prepared two main refineries to support the production of B40, namely Refinery Unit III Plaju in Palembang and Refinery Unit VII Kasim in Papua.

The mixing of diesel fuel with BBN will be carried out by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga.

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