JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) revealed that related to literacy and education in the capital market, it is important for the younger generation, since the last two years it has not only focused on universities but has also begun to introduce them to the high school level.

Director of Development of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) Jeffrey Hendrik conveyed that related to literacy and capital market education for the younger generation in universities, he called it the Investment Gallery, while at high school it was called the Education Gallery.

"Until now, the number has almost reached 100 educational galleries in SMA-SMA throughout Indonesia. So the concept of this educational gallery is the cooperation of 4 parties, between the Indonesia Stock Exchange, stock exchange members, universities that own investment galleries, and high schools," he explained to reporters after the Opening of IDX Trading in 2025, Thursday, January 2.

For those related to the curriculum, Jeffrey said that of course it is necessary to coordinate with the relevant ministries. However, for more basic materials, his party already has a Learning Management System (LMS) from the OJK which is used to support learning, including at a very basic level.

"The Learning Management System in the OJK that we also use, which is also covered up to a very basic level," he said.

Jeffrey said that his party had also started a capital market literacy program early on, such as inviting kindergarten students to the opening of the first trade after the pandemic to show that this generation is a potential capital market investor in the future.

According to Jeffrey, capital market literacy and education is important to give to the younger generation so that Indonesian people switch from saving society to investing society.

Therefore, Jeffrey emphasized that it is important for elementary, junior high and high school students to understand the concept of investment in the capital market. For students in grade 12 of high school or college students, they can take part in the capital market inclusion program and start becoming active investors. This is what will continue to be encouraged and will be carried out in the future.

"This means that the Indonesian people have had to shift from saving society to investing society. From a very young age, they understand the concept first. Since elementary, junior high, high school, early classes, they understand the concept of investing in the capital market. High school grade 3 or grade 12 to students, they can already be included in the inclusion program or become investors, become perpetrators," he said.

Jeffrey conveyed that the learning of literacy and education at the elementary level will begin with the introduction of the concept of investing and the basic understanding of investment before introducing the capital market.

"Maybe it begins with the concept of investing in general, then how do we include an understanding of the capital market. So, indeed our public must change from saving people into investing people," he explained.

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