JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that gold jewelery and machine kretek cigarettes (SKM) will become the largest contributor to inflation throughout 2024.
Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics of BPS, Pudji Ismartini said, this commodity will contribute to monthly inflation 11 times in 2024.
"Grows of jewelry and engine kretek cigarettes are the main contributors to inflation 11 times in 2024," said Pudji at a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday, January 2.
Pudji explained, Inflation in 2024 is dominated by the core component with the largest share of inflation contributed by gold jewelery commodities. In general, during January to December 2024 commodities from volatile price components and cores have more frequent frequencies as the main commodities contributing monthly inflation.
He detailed, throughout 2024, the contribution of inflation from gold jewelery was recorded at 0.35 percent, driven by machine kretek cigarettes which contributed 0.3 percent of inflation.
The third position is occupied by cooking oil commodities at 0.11 percent and rice at 0.10 percent. These two commodities emerged as contributors to inflation 6 times.
Then the powder coffee commodity contributed 0.10 percent inflation, onion 0.08 percent, chicken meat 0.06 percent and fresh fish commodities 0.06 percent.
These four commodities appeared 7 times as contributors to inflation throughout 2024.
On the other hand, machine's hand-rolled and white kretek cigarettes contributed 0.04 percent of inflation and appeared 1 time as a contributor to monthly inflation throughout 2024.
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