JAKARTA - The National Zakat Agency (Baznas) has established a partnership with the Indonesian Sharia Bank (BSI) in terms of managing the zakat potential of Rp. 300 trillion which comes from infaq, alms, and the zakat itself.

Through this synergy, BSI will provide banking products and services to make it easier for people to give zakat.

President Director of BSI Hery Gunardi said this synergy is expected to provide easy access for people to pay zakat so as to support national economic development.

Hery added, to encourage the optimization of the potential for national zakat, the company is ready to support the management of zakat from Civil Servants / State Civil Servants.

"Currently, Baznas is proposing a Presidential Decree regarding the payment of 2.5 percent zakat by civil servants / ASN as a cut in salary. We are ready to support the management of zakat, "he said in an official statement, Thursday, April 15.

According to him, BSI will continue to provide great benefits for both parties, so that it can help the economic development of the nation and the state, especially in poverty alleviation and the welfare of the people.

"If the benefits are widely accepted by the community, we can provide more transparent information, and the community will be more diligent in giving zakat. Hopefully all of our good intentions will receive blessings from Allah SWT, "he said.

On the same occasion, the Chairman of Baznas KH. Noor Achmad welcomed the active role of government-owned banking institutions to participate in managing community funds.

"We would like to thank Bank Syariah Indonesia for being willing to cooperate with Baznas. This is in order to increase the potential for zakat in Indonesia, which is currently not maximized, ”he said.

To note, the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was carried out by the Chairman of Baznas KH. Noor Achmad and BSI President Director Hery Gunardi at Baznas Head Office, Jakarta on Wednesday, April 14 yesterday.

Also attending and witnessing the MoU were Deputy Chairman of Baznas Mokhamad Mahdum, Managing Director of Baznas M. Arifin Purwakananta and Director of Operations of Baznas Wahyu TT Kuncahyo.

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