JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has taken firm steps by temporarily stopping the issuance of recommendations for importing adult sheep or muttons to protect farmers from the rise of imported sheep.
"This policy was taken to protect local breeders from unfair price competition due to the high circulation of cheap imported meat, especially from Australia," said Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health of the Ministry of Agriculture Agung Suganda in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 1.
Agung said that the move had been conveyed at a meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture with importers at the Head Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta.
He stated that the policy was in accordance with the direction of the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman to maintain the sustainability of the people's livestock business.
"We will ensure that the price of imported meat does not pressure local breeders. This step is a form of our commitment to support national livestock and encourage food self-sufficiency," he said.
The Ministry of Agriculture has taken various strategic steps to overcome this problem. The first step began with an audience with the Indonesian Leaders and Goat Breeders Association (HPDKI) on November 18, 2024, which was followed by the National Rembuk in Boyolali on November 21, 2024, to absorb the aspirations of farmers.
On November 24, 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture conducted a surprise inspection of 13 meat importer warehouses to ensure compliance with regulations. Simultaneously, the Directorate General of PKH has decided to temporarily suspend the issuance of recommendations for importing mutton meat while evaluating and calculating the stock of meat in importers' warehouses.
In addition, a follow-up meeting with HPDKI on November 25, 2024 was held to design concrete steps involving local breeders.
At the meeting on November 26, 2024, meat importers signed a statement letter containing three important points. First, importers are required to report the realization of imported and stock of goat meat and sheep regularly and correctly to the government.
Second, importers are committed not to distribute imported meat to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) groups, such as restaurants, catering, or small meat traders, to maintain local meat absorption.
Third, importers expressed their willingness to realize meat income according to the recommendations issued in 2024 while still considering not disturbing the local market.
"We want to ensure the national livestock industry remains sustainable, without sacrificing small breeders," said Agung.
In addition to domestic policies, the Ministry of Agriculture has also accelerated the harmonization of export regulations to Malaysia and Brunei. This effort aims to reopen international market access for Indonesian sheep and goats while absorbing a surplus of local production that is not absorbed in the domestic market.
He hopes that this step will be able to balance the needs of the domestic market as well as support the sustainability of the national livestock sub-sector.
"With this policy, the Ministry of Agriculture seeks to reduce dependence on imported meat and strengthen food independence," said Agung.
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