JAKARTA - The 2024/2025 Christmas and New Year holiday period (Nataru) will last around 1.5 months. The Ministry of Public Works (PU) targets the toll road repair work to be completed by a maximum of D-10 Nataru to support the smooth flow of traffic (traffic).
This was conveyed by Deputy Minister of Public Works Diana Kusumastuti while reviewing a number of sections of the Trans Java toll road from Jakarta to Solo on Wednesday, November 20. The toll roads reviewed include the Jakarta "Cikampek", Cikopo "Palimanan (Cipali), Palimanan "Kanci, Pemalang "Batang, Batang Semarang and Semarang "Solo.
Diana said the Ministry of Public Works together with Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) continue to strive to increase the availability of toll roads, either through road repairs or road widening. Including the anticipation of vehicle density which is predicted to occur on December 21 to January 4 through coordination with other related parties.
"All repair work must also be completed on December 15 or D-10 Nataru so as not to interfere with community travel," Diana said in her official statement, written Friday, November 22.
On the same occasion, Diana also visited rest areas and services (TIP) or rest areas, namely TIP A 102, TIP A 379 and TIP B 456. He asked BUJT to continue to maintain cleanliness and quality of service so that people can feel comfortable, especially in toilets, places to eat and parking lots.
"We see that several rest areas are clean, when Nataru also remains clean and neatly arranged. Parking must be well organized so that there is no more accumulation of vehicles in the rest area which causes traffic jams on toll roads," he said.
He also hopes that all the command centers owned by each BUJT can be integrated into one application to make it easier for the public to access information about all toll roads throughout Indonesia in real time.
"Later, BPJT will try to coordinate this integrated command center, so that we can monitor the density points on toll roads to be coordinated with Korlantas and the Ministry of Transportation so that they can be followed up immediately," he said.
On the other hand, Diana also briefly reviewed the handling of Kaligawe Street, namely the Semarang and Demak border national roads. It is known, this road is often submerged in water due to tidal flooding.
"We have started to make efforts to handle it through road elevations and pumping so that rainwater or tidal water does not stagnate on this road," he said.
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