JAKARTA - The National Food Agency (NFA) ensures that the Shine Muscat wine in Indonesia is safe for consumption after a rapid test of pesticide residues. Where the test shows results according to food safety standards.
This rapid test of the Shine Muscat wine was carried out by the National Food Service together with the Provincial Food Affairs as the Regional Food Safety Competent Authority (OKKPD).
Plh. Deputy for Diversity of Consumption and Food Safety, Bapanas Yusra Egganti, said the rapid test was carried out at almost 100 district/city points and the results were mostly 90 percent negative.
Meanwhile, continued Yusra, the remaining 10 percent contained residuals in safe quantities. So the test results show that the Shine Muscat wine is safe for consumption.
"The results of the rapid test conducted by OKKP show that the currently circulating muscat wine is safe for consumption, because of all the rapid tests in safe numbers. We still send some of these samples to the laboratory to confirm their content," he said in an official statement, Thursday, October 31.
Yusra said that although the results of the rapid test showed that the wine was safe for consumption, NFA also appealed to the entire community to implement good practices before consuming wine.
"Select wine, which has a distribution permit, wash it with clean running water before consumption," he said.
Furthermore, Yusra said that Bapanas will strengthen supervision of the safety of fresh food products circulating in the community in accordance with directions from the Head of Badanas Arief Prasetyo Adi.
"According to the direction of the Head of the National Food Agency, we will continue to strengthen supervision of the safety of fresh food products circulating in the community through regular sampling and lab tests," said Yusra.
On the other hand, the Director of Food Consumption Diversity, Rinna Syawal, said that his party was also intensifying the consumption of local fruit. According to him, local fruit has advantages, among others, in terms of freshness and quality because it is consumerized according to season.
"Local fruits do not need to travel long before they reach the hands of consumers, so they are fresher and have a more distinctive taste," said Rinna.
Rinna also revealed that the invitation to consume local fruit is in line with Presidential Decree 81 of 2024 concerning the Acceleration of Food Diversity Based on Potential Local Resources.
"Consumption of local fruit is part of loving domestic products, especially in the food sector. We must implement this Presidential Regulation 81 of 2024 together so that our food independence is stronger," he said.
For your information, this case began in Thailand where it was reported that there were residual pesticides above the safe limit on the Shine Muscat Wine imported from China.
Berkaitan dengan itu, Otoritas Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan atau Food And Drugs Adminsitration (FDA) Thailand telah mengeluarkan rilis resmi yang menyatakan bahwa produk Anggur Shine Muscat aman untuk dikonsumsi. https://oryor.com/media/newsUpdate/media_news/3025.
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