JAKARTA - The Pekanbaru City Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPM-PTSP) noted that the investment value that entered the capital city of Riau Province reached Rp4.02 trillion until the third quarter or from January to September 2024
The head of the Pekanbaru City DPM-PTSP, Akmal Khair, said that the figure was around 82 percent of the target set by the Pekanbaru City Government (Pemkot) of IDR 4.9 trillion.
"Meanwhile, from the target set by the central government through Riau Province of IDR 5.09 trillion, our investment achievement is around 78 percent," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 29.
He conveyed that the investment that entered Rp4.02 trillion was dominated by Domestic Investment (PMDN) of Rp3.63 trillion, sourced from 5,866 projects or activities.
Meanwhile, foreign investment is realized in the amount of Rp. 384 billion from 453 projects or activities.
In the remaining 1 quarter (October, November and December), his party is optimistic that the investment target set by both the Pekanbaru City Government and Riau Provincial Government will be achieved.
The city government's target is still around Rp900 million and from the provincial target of Rp1 trillion again.
"With the continued improvement in the investment climate, God willing, the targets set will be achieved," he said.
He conveyed that the realization of investment in the second quarter was more than IDR 1.3 trillion. Meanwhile, the realization of investment in the first quarter was IDR 1.6 trillion.
It is also known that in 2023 the total investment in Pekanbaru City will reach IDR 6.50 trillion. The details amounted to IDR 5.90 trillion from PMDN and IDR 606 billion from PMA.
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