JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) reported that the world market for fisheries reached 184.5 billion US dollars throughout 2023.

Head of the Supervision and Control Quality of Marine and Fishery Products (BPPMHKP) KKP Ishartini explained, when viewed from the top five with exporters in the world as of 2023, China occupies the first position with a contribution value of 20.68 billion US dollars.

"When viewed from the five main exporters, Indonesia is not included in it. The first is China, which is the largest producer in the world," Ishartini said at a press conference at his office, Thursday, October 24.

This position was followed by Norway with a value of 16.05 billion US dollars, followed by Ecuador with 9.04 billion US dollars, Chile 8.89 billion US dollars and Vietnam 8.39 billion US dollars.

Ishartini added, based on the top five largest world markets as of 2023, the European Union was ranked first with a value of 61.85 billion US dollars, followed by the United States worth 27.38 billion US dollars, China 23.32 billion US dollars, Japan 14.37 billion US dollars and ASEAN 11.49 billion US dollars.

The fisheries commodities that are selling well in the world market are tarut fish, salmon, shrimp, tuna, tuna, skipjack, skipjack, squid, sotong, octopuses to crabs or crabs.

"So, those will be commodities that should be our main focus to increase the volume and export value of our fishery products to the global market," he said.

Seeing this, Ishartini said, EU is a very promising market for fisheries.

However, based on his presentation, Indonesia has not yet entered the list of the five countries with the largest fishery exporters in the world.

"Indonesia is ranked 13th. Well, of course, the share is 3 percent, this is the main focus of our attention. So, we can increase Indonesia's ranking later in the top 10 exporters in the world," he added.

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