JAKARTA - Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto gathered Cooperation Contract Contract Contractors (KKKS) to discuss efforts to increase oil lifting.

In his briefing, Dwi alluded to the request of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, who warned that oil lifting should not go down even in the military, so he urged all KKKS leaders to have a sense of crisis & sense of urgency regarding the situation of lifting oil that has not yet reached the target.

"It can and cannot increase oil and gas lifting, it will be seen whether all the main activities that contribute to increasing production can be carried out. If until now the achievement of drilling development wells, wokrover and well service are still below the target, it will be difficult to increase oil and gas production," said Dwi in a statement to the media, Wednesday, October 23.

Dwi further said that programs and funds that have been approved in the work, 2024 program & budget (WP&B) must be implemented optimally, because the production and lifting targets can be achieved if all programs in WPnB are implemented.

For 2024, SKK Migas and KKKS have set WP&B for drilling development wells, well service and workover activities massively and aggressively. This can be seen from the target of drilling development wells which increased by 17 percent, workover activities targeted to increase by 43 percent and well service activities targeted to increase by 40 percent.

Then Dwi invited the KKKS leadership to do best effort and smart work so that programs that had been approved by SKK Migas in WPnB 2024 could be as optimal as possible until the end of the year.

"We know that in 2024 there are only 2 months and a few days left, but we can compensate this by carrying out better drilling, well service and workover activities, from the process side, using technology, increasing human resources involved, adding added work time and others, so that every activity carried out can be completed faster than normal work," he added.

On the same occasion, Dwi also expressed his appreciation to the KKKS, which until September 2024 had completed development, workover and well service well activities with more than the same achievement last year, namely year on year (YoY) development well drilling activities reaching 109 percent, 120 percent workover and 110 percent well service.

"I ask that in the remainder of this year the speed of completion of activities be increased, so that all available resources can be optimized so that additional oil and gas production can be obtained to be able to get closer to the lift target that has been set," said Dwi.

Based on data from SKK Migas, until September 2024, drilling activities for development wells had reached 634 wells compared to the same period last year as many as 583 wells.

765 wells have been completed compared to the same period the previous year as many as 635 wells. As for well service until September 2024, 27,868 activities have been completed or increased when compared to the realization of the same period last year as many as 25,406 activities.

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