JAKARTA The Sharia Financial Profession Certification Institute (LSP KS) showed positive performance throughout 2023. LSP KS recorded asset growth of IDR 2.96 billion and profit of IDR 472 million. This achievement was revealed in the Annual Member Meeting (RAT) held in Antara Room, Danareksa Tower some time ago.

Chairman of the LSP KS Board of Trustees, Iggi H. Achsien, who also serves as Secretary General of the Sharia Economic Community (MES), is optimistic about the future of the sharia economy in Indonesia, especially with a new government that is predicted to have a strong vision in the development of the sharia economy. "We believe the new government will encourage the progress of the sharia economy, and LSP KS must be able to make a more significant contribution," said Iggi in a written statement received Wednesday, October 16.

Furthermore, Iggi emphasized that LSP KS needs to be more progressive by adjusting work programs to face potential changes to the regulations of the Financial Services Authority (OJK). "Innovation and regeneration in management are also needed to improve future performance," he added.

The chairman of the KS LSP Supervisory Board, Mulya E. Siregar, expressed his appreciation for the various positive achievements in 2023, especially in terms of asset growth. However, he also noted that although assets grew significantly, the profitability of the KS LSP was not optimal due to the slow growth in the number of assessments. "Our profit is stagnant because the increase in the assessment has not been maximized," Mulya explained. He underlined the importance of strategic steps to increase profitability and ensure the sustainability of KS LSP growth.

On the same occasion, the General Chairperson of the LSP KS, Ani Murdiati, explained that the main agenda in the RAT is the 2023 accountability and performance evaluation report. "We hope that institutional governance will improve, so that services to customers can be improved," said Ani. One of the important decisions taken in the RAT is the receipt of the 2023 financial report and the 2024 work plan.

Ani also explained that LSP KS recorded a number of achievements in 2023, including the approval of 17 new schemes, although it has not made a significant contribution to profit. In addition, LSP KS plays a role in formulating an equalization program for directors and commissioners of Islamic banking banking, as well as introducing an online exam system that is at the forefront of three other banking LSPs. "All schemes can now be sources of income, and we are optimistic that LSP KS will develop faster in the future," Ani concluded.

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