JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, said that the beauty of the tourist destinations of Butuh Hamlet, Kaliangkrik, Magelang, Central Java, is no less beautiful than the Himalayas.

In recent times, Sandiaga said, this tourist destination was known as Nepal Van Java. The sub-village of Butuh has contours and the location of the settlements piled on the slopes of a mountain with an uneven topography that is almost similar to the areas in the Himalayas, Nepal.

Sandiaga admitted that during his working visit to Butuh Hamlet on Saturday, April 3, his decision to stay at the hamlet at the foot of Mount Sumbing was sudden. He was originally scheduled to stay in Magelang City, but he wanted to stay in a tourist village which is a supporting destination for Borobudur Temple which is included in one of the 5 Super Priority Destinations (DSP).

"As soon as I wake up in the morning, I don't regret staying here because the view is epic, what we feel is a majestic atmosphere, a very exotic atmosphere. This is the first experience in my life staying in a tourist village," he said in his official statement, quoted Monday, April 5th.

The former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta appreciates the people in Butuh Hamlet who provide good service or hospitality to tourists who come. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga said, will encourage the development of not only human resources, but attractions, accessibility, and amenities as well as capital for business actors in Kaliangkring.

He said that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy would be present and to provide assistance and knowledge sharing so that HR in Butuh Hamlet would be more superior and competitive. Second, from the marketing side, Nepal Van Java already has strong branding, however, it must also be supported in terms of attractions, accessibility, and amenities.

Furthermore, Sandiaga reminded not to let tourists who come and see, then take photos and go home, so that the multiplier effect for the community is less pronounced.

"In terms of road infrastructure here, it needs to be repaired, drainage renewed so that the economy in this village can move. Then in terms of attractions, it needs to be developed again based on nature and culture, extraordinary views. The three amenities, Griya Butuh as one good example and need to be followed by homestay- other homestays need to be improved," he said.

Then, Sandi, his nickname, said that the destination needed to be promoted, either on own media or paid media.

Finally, with regard to capital, business actors are given the convenience of being able to get efficient access to capital at affordable interest rates, from which it is hoped that tourism will be realized that provides benefits to the community.

Sandi said that this pandemic had changed the travel trend. The tourism segmentation in the future mentioned will be more personalize, customize, localize, and smaller in size.

"This pandemic has brought us to transform, moving tourism trends, which used to be in droves and mass, now the approach is more open and natural and culture-based tourism and needs to be developed as sustainable tourism," he explained.

Password, this is in accordance with the 2020-2024 RPJMN, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy targets as many as 244 certified tourist villages to become independent tourism villages by 2024.

Kaliangkrik coffee can be an attraction for tourists

Besides having a beautiful view, Kaliangkrik also has other potentials that can be an attraction, namely coffee education from picking to experiencing coffee directly. Sandi encouraged this coffee from Magelang to be upgraded and accepted by Indonesian coffee lovers.

"This Kaliangkrik coffee tastes good, has a honey taste. The picking program to taste like this is attractive to tourists. This needs to be developed and preserved in Pengkol Hamlet," he said.

Sandi said coffee is the fourth largest foreign exchange earner for Indonesia after palm oil, rubber, and cocoa. In the last 5 years, coffee growth has increased, from 2018-2019 domestic consumption reached 4,800 bags with a capacity of 60 kilograms or 288 tons.

"People abroad know Indonesian coffee, namely Java. While the largest coffee producers in the world are Ethiopia and Uganda, let us take a role to be able to preserve Indonesian coffee so that it is increasingly famous on the world stage," he said.

Agrotourism, Sandi said, is not only traveling but also learning about coffee cultivation. So that tourists not only enjoy their destination but are also educated about management and cultivation.

"During this pandemic, only two sectors were developing, first digital and agriculture secondly. We need to improve and strengthen this destination so that it is of higher quality so that quality basic infrastructure is needed, I feel very well," he said.

In the future, Sandi said, his party will be present at Pengkol Hamlet in the future to support from training, human resources, marketing, and superior industries. So that in the future, not only selling coffee beans that have not been produced.

"And the most important thing is this industry is superior and the society is prosperous," he said.

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