JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) revealed that during September 2024, the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) had recorded a record up to the level of 7,905, namely on September 19, 2024.

OJK Capital Market Supervision Chief Executive Inarno Djajadi said the strengthening of the JCI in September 2024 was driven by a decrease in interest rates in line with improving global economic conditions.

"Sejak dengan perkembangan pasar keuangan global, akibat penurunan suku bunga acuan, perkembangan pasar modal pada bulan September 2024 menguat dan sempat mencatat ke level tertinggi 7,905 pada 19 September 2024," ujarnya dalam konferensi pers RDK, Selasa, 1 Oktober.

Inarno said that from the beginning of September 2024 to September 27, 2024, the JCI movement rose 0.34 percent by mountain to date (mtd) to the level of 7,696. Meanwhile, since the beginning of the year or year to date (ytd) it rose 5.83 percent.

Meanwhile, the market capitalization value of domestic stock markets fell 1.82 percent (mtd) to Rp12,875 trillion.

Inarno explained that the strengthening of the JCI during September 2024 was partly due to the entry of foreign funds from the Indonesian capital market.

"Net buy month to date until September 26 amounted to Rp1.31 trillion, while ytd net sell Rp9.8 trillion," he said.

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