JAKARTA - PT Mandiri Utama Finance (MUF), a subsidiary of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk engaged in financing inaugurated the MUF Cares CSR Program, namely MUF Soul Warteg Binaan, one of which was at Warteg Pak Dodi, Cibinong, Bogor Regency on Thursday 19 September.

The MUF Soul Warteg Binaan program is opened simultaneously at four regional points, namely in Bogor, Surabaya, Rembang, and Bekasi Regencies.

Sejalan dengan salah satu fokus BUMN dan anak usaha BUMN, yaitu pelaksanaan program pengembangan UMKM, MUF turut berkontribusi melalui program CSR MUF Soul Warteg Binaan. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan warteg rumahan yang sesuai dengan Pelaksanaan Pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (TPB) atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ungkap Elisabeth Lidya Sirait, Corporate Secretary & Legal Division Head MUF.

Elisabeth explained that the MUF Soul Warteg Binaan program is an implementation of SDGs to improve the welfare of the community, especially from vulnerable groups of people. This program also provides public access to affordable nutritious food so as to help realize a healthy life.

On the same occasion, Head of Mandiri Region Utama Finance Jabodetabek I Affan Barieda said the company would continue to be committed to supporting the growth of MSMEs which is the backbone of the national economic revival. Affan also hopes that this program can support MSMEs from the people of Cibinong, Bogor Regency, and at the same time help people in need with food subsidies.

"With the assistance of CSR in the form of subsidies, it is hoped that warteg who are MUF partners can increase profits through the addition of sales by 50 servings per day where previously, sales were only around 20-30 servings per day," concluded Affan.

The MUF Soul Warteg Binaan program targets non-franchise warteg (owned by itself). Through this program, the company hopes to contribute to reducing poverty through the provision of subsidized food for the poor while improving the welfare of the home warteg business.

"We are very grateful to Mandiri Utama Finance for this program. As MSME players, we feel very grateful and helped by this program. With the addition of sales of 50 servings per day, our growth in income as a home warteg is greatly helped to develop. Hopefully, our efforts can progress so that we can get a more prosperous life, "welcome Dodi, the owner of Warteg Pak Dodi.

This CSR program provides subsidies to poor people, such as motorcycle taxi drivers, scavengers, small traders, beggars, pedicab drivers, orphans through. In this case, MUF cooperates with mosques, churches, and communities around the fostered warteg environment.

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