In order to increase water storage that can support food security, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will continue the construction of 17 dams in a number of areas in the country next year.

So, where are the locations? Quoted from the upload on the official Instagram account of the Ministry of PUPR, @kemenpupr, on Saturday, September 28, 2024, the construction sites of 17 dams spread across Aceh, Gorontalo, to Java Island.

In detail, Rukoh Dam in Aceh, Tiga Dihaji Dam in South Sumatra, Bulango Ulo Dam in Gorontalo and Riam Kiwa Dam in South Kalimantan.

Next, the Budong-Budong Dam in West Sulawesi, Jenelata Dam in South Sulawesi, Pelosika Dam in Southeast Sulawesi, and Way Apu Dam in Maluku.

Then, there are the Mbay and Manikin Dams in East Nusa Tenggara, the Bagong Dam in East Java, and the Cabean Dam in Central Java.

Furthermore, there is the Karangnongko, Bener, and Jragung Dams in Central Java. Then, there is the Cibeet and Cijurey Dams in West Java.

Commission V DPR RI has approved the addition of the budget of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for 2025 amounting to IDR 40.59 trillion.

Previously, the Ministry of PUPR received a budget allocation of IDR 75.63 trillion. Thus, the total PUPR budget for next year will be IDR 116.23 trillion.

"Commission V DPR RI approved the adjustment of the RAPBN FY 2025 budget ceiling of the Ministry of PUPR in accordance with the results of discussions on ministry/institutional expenditures in a letter from the DPR RI Budget Agency Number B/11227/AG.05.02/09/2024 dated September 10, 2024 with an addition of Rp40,594,786,684,000," said Chairman of Commission V DPR RI, Lasarus, in a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission V DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

Meanwhile, the Minister of PUPR, Basuki Hadimuljono, revealed that later the additional budget will be allocated to complete the construction of dams and irrigation networks and renovate damaged school infrastructure and facilities.

"So there are three nomenclatures, one for dams and irrigation of Rp. 11.9 trillion. Then, for the renovation of the infrastructure and facilities for schools that were heavily damaged, it was Rp. 19.5 trillion and for the completion of IKN development," said Basuki.

"(To) operate the buildings that have been built until now, especially in the Central Government Core Area (IKN) amounting to Rp9.19 trillion," he said again.

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