Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani conveyed that the realization of state revenue until August 2024 was IDR 1,777 trillion, down 2.5 percent on an annual basis or year on year (yoy). This realization is equivalent to 63.4 percent of the 2024 State Budget target of IDR 2,802.3 trillion.

"The state revenue has collected Rp1,777 trillion, which means 63.4 percent of the target and this is a contraction of 2.5 percent (yoy), this contraction is much smaller than the previous months. Last month it was around 6.5 percent, or June it could even reach 8 percent," said Sri Mulyani at the APBNKita Press Conference, Monday, September 23.

Sri Mulyani hopes that the performance of state revenues until the end of the year can be in line with the government's targets, even though they are faced with a non-light economic situation, especially at agency tax revenue posts that have fallen due to economic contraction.

On the same occasion, Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) II Thomas Djiwandono conveyed that state revenue in August 2024 of IDR 1,777 trillion came from tax revenues of IDR 1,196.54 trillion or 60.16 percent of the APBN target.

Furthermore, customs and excise revenues reached Rp. 183.2 trillion or 57.1 percent of the APBN target, and non-tax state revenue (PNBP) of Rp. 383.8 trillion or 78 percent of the APBN target.

Thomas said that corporate tax revenues or corporate income taxes contracted or decreased at their deepest in August 2024.

As for August 2024, corporate income tax revenues amounted to IDR 212.7 trillion or contracted 32.1 percent compared to the same period last year.

"Pajak yang mengalami penurunan adalah PPh Badan terutama akibat penurunan harga komoditas," jelasnya.

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