JAKARTA - President of the Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI) Andi Gani Nena Wea said the three largest labor confederations in Indonesia recognized Arsjad Rasjid as Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin).

This was conveyed by Andi Gani after meeting with President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Tuesday, September 17.

"Those who are concerned with labor leaders, the three largest labor confederations firmly, namely KSPI (leading) Said Iqbal, KSBSI (leading) Elly Rosita Silaban, and KSPSI Andi Gani, emphasized that we recognize Arsjad Rasjid as Chairman of Kadin," said Andi Gani, quoted from Antara.

He said during the meeting the President emphasized that the government was not fussy or interfering with the management of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. KSPSI, said Andi Gani, asked all parties not to encourage President Joko Widodo to issue a Presidential Decree (Keppres) on the Management of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

"So no more parties encourage the President to issue a Presidential Decree, because the President has confirmed that it will be returned to the Kadin internally," explained Andi.

He said the three largest labor confederations in Indonesia recognized Arsjad Rasjid as the legitimate Chairman of Kadin because Arsjad still holds the presidential decree.

"The president said 'don't throw hot balls at me'. How come it was noisy at Kadin, then the President was forced to immediately issue a Presidential Decree," he said.

"So why does the labor confederation admit Arsjad Rasjid, I reiterate, I have no problem with Anindya Bakrie, only we hold on to the constitution according to the AD/RT and also Arsjad Rasjid still holds the Presidential Decree, and to this day, the Presidential Decree has not revoked," he added.

He further said that the recognition of Arsjad Rasjid's leadership is important for the confederation of workers because it is important with future labor wage negotiations.

"November is coming soon, determining the minimum wage for 2025. With whom do we have to negotiate? With whom do we have to accept? Dialogue with business partners," said Andi Gani.

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