JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga Tbk (JSMR) predicts that as many as 627,463 vehicles will leave the Jabotabek area during the long weekend or long holiday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 13-16 September 2024.
Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication and Community Development Group Head, Lisye Octaviana, said that the total volume of traffic leaving the Jabotabek area is predicted to increase by 7.3 percent compared to normal days of 584,650 vehicles.
This number is the cumulative number of traffic flows from the four Main Toll Gates (GT), namely Cikupa GT (to Merak), Ciawi GT (to Puncak), Cikampek Utama GT (to Trans Java), and Kalihurip Utama GT (to Bandung).
For the prediction of traffic distribution leaving Jabotabek towards all three directions, the majority were 276,369 vehicles (44 percent) heading East (Trans Java and Bandung), 194,612 vehicles (31 percent) headed West (Merak), and 156,482 vehicles (25 percent) headed South (Puncak).
Jasa Marga predicts that the peak of vehicles leaving Jabotabek will occur today, Saturday, September 14, 2024, with a traffic number of 183,963 vehicles, an increase of 10.4 percent compared to normal traffic.
"By seeing the increase in the volume of vehicles leaving the Jabotabek area, Jasa Marga ensures that Jasa Marga Group toll road operations run optimally," Lisye said in a written statement, Saturday, September 14.
According to Lisye, Jasa Marga will ensure the function of toll equipment at the substation and increase the number of officers and mobile reader to increase transaction capacity at the main toll gate.
The potential for congestion in lanes is anticipated by placing officers at density-prone points to accelerate the handling of vehicle disturbances and regulate traffic.
"Jasa Marga is also ready to support traffic engineering for police discretion, such as contraflow by placing officers and supporting signs," he said.
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