JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) said that Indonesia and Brazil are conducting investment cooperation for the development of 100,000 tropical dairy cattle from Brazil which will be held in Indonesia with a value of IDR 4.5 trillion.

Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Amran Sulaiman said this investment was to support the increase in domestic milk production.

"The presence of this Brazilian investor can also support our efforts to self-sufficiency in meat and milk," Amran said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 13.

The signing of this memorandum of understanding was carried out by PT Asiabeef Biofarma Indonesia (Asiabeef) with Agropecuaria 31 (31 Group).

Amran said that Indonesia can meet the needs of beef protein and milk from within the country, not through imports.

To be able to meet these expectations, Indonesia must be able to develop livestock massively.

"All of these investments will create new jobs in various livestock fields," Amran said.

At a meeting between Amran and Brazilian Agriculture Minister Carlos Favaro, it was stated that Brazil would soon come to Indonesia with several major entrepreneurs in the livestock sector.

With the plan to come these entrepreneurs to Indonesia, it is hoped that Indonesia-Brazil can make further agreements on the development of the livestock sector in Indonesia.

This bilateral Indonesia-Brazil meeting was held immediately after the Minister of Agriculture Amran attended the G20 Agriculture Ministerial Meeting (AMM) at Chapada Dos Guimaraes, Brazil.

Amran said the Indonesian government was committed to continuing to transform agricultural and food systems holistically. This commitment resulted in positive results.

"Indonesia achieved self-sufficiency in rice in 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021, and produced a surplus of corn, onions, palm oil, chicken, and eggs in recent years, meeting the needs of 281 million Indonesians," he said.

Strategic steps in developing the agricultural sector must be taken immediately because the world is facing growing pressure with an estimated global population of 8.6 billion by 2030.

"We must increase food production while preserving our scarce natural resources," said Amran.

According to him, Indonesia will be strategic by emphasizing flexible and innovative solutions to increase resilience and sustainability, by utilizing natural and human resources, as well as modern technology.

Amran invites all G20 members to advance a strong and sustainable agricultural and food system.

"By working together and sharing the best practices, we can overcome challenges, encourage inclusiveness, and build a fairer and more sustainable future," Amran said.

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