JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Chalid Said Salim revealed that his party faces several challenges in exploring domestic oil and gas.
Most recently, he said, the challenges faced were related to licensing with Ministries/Institutions (K/L) such as the Ministry of Agriculture.
"Then there is a new issue with the Ministry of Agriculture. We say it intersects with rice fields, while in the future there will be food security and energy security. We have to look at this internally," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 11.
Chalid further said that his party was accreting to continue to explore and exploit to increase domestic oil and gas production. As an illustration, Indonesia's oil and gas production from the domestic field from year to year has increased by 2 percent. Meanwhile, if combined with PHE's assets from abroad, growth was recorded at 6 to 7 percent.
"The efforts carried out are approximately the same, exploration continues. There are several of our findings that are now in process. We are accelerating exploration to the production phase so that production can be enjoyed in a short period of time," he continued.
Not only that, but Chalid also said that PHE actively uses cutting-edge technology in boosting oil and gas production, one of which is the use of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).
"Indeed, the impact on production is not in a short time, everything is in the process, but we hope that in the next 2-3 years we can give a significant impact on production," he added.
He projects that EOR's role can already have a role of around 25 to 29 percent of total production by 2029 or 2030.
Apart from EOR, Chalid also said that PHE is still drilling non-conventional oil and gas (MNK). So far PHE has drilled two wells in the Rokan Block.
"Although it is still in the long term but at least proves there is new potential to contribute to energy sovereignty," he said.
Just so you know, PHE contributed 69 percent of the total national production of oil production. As for the gas line, it carries at least 34 percent of the total national gas production.
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