JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the construction of VVIP Airport in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan, had been completed.
Basuki said, in terms of infrastructure, the airport has been completed and will be reviewed soon.
"God willing, the airport will be finished and that's why I want to see tomorrow," he said when met by reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 11.
However, Basuki has not been able to confirm whether the airport is operational or not, because he has to wait for a feasibility test from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). Currently, he said, his party has completed several infrastructures such as runways, taxiways and aprons.
"This depends on the Minister of Transportation (Budi Karya Sumadi) because its function is feasible from the Ministry of Transportation. However, in our opinion, the runway, taxiway, and apron infrastructure have been completed," he said.
He added, for the runway or runway, the work has been completed but not completely. Basuki said, there was still work on installing the runway lights which still had to be completed immediately so that the runway was ready to operate one hundred percent.
"I think, right, there must be a light first that is not yet possible soon," he added.
Previously, Basuki targeted that the length of the VVIP IKN Airport runway could penetrate 2,200 meters, finished on Monday night, September 9, 2024. This runway is expected to be ready for President Jokowi to move.
"Now it's 2,100 (meters) longer on the basis than 2,200 m needed. So, I think hopefully this afternoon or tonight it can already be 2,200," he said.
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