JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) revealed an increase in the budget for 15 ministries/agencies (K/L) in the draft state budget (RAPBN) 2025.

The additional budget for the 15 K/L is IDR 4.8 trillion.

The Director General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance Isa Rachmatawari conveyed that the increase in the budget for 15 K/L was in accordance with the direction of the elected president Prabowo Subianto.

"This is the result of the allocation that has accommodated additional budget allocations that have been agreed upon or directed by the elected President," said Isa in the Banggar meeting room of the DPR, Jakarta, quoted on Tuesday, September 10.

The 15 agencies received an additional budget of IDR 4.8 trillion divided into two parts.

First, the Rp3.4 trillion was distributed to the Attorney General's Office (AGO), the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan), the National Police, BIN, Komnas HAM, BPIP, BP2MI, and the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).

Furthermore, secondly, the budget of IDR 1.4 trillion is divided into a number of the remaining agencies, namely for the MPR, DPR, Supreme Court, DPD, Judicial Commission or KY, Ombudsman, and BPKP.

Previously, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that there was an increase in the K/L budget for the 2025 state budget (RAPBN) to Rp117.87 trillion.

"For the increase, it is true, the total expenditure from the new government is Rp. 117.87 trillion because we provide additional spending for high state institutions," said Sri Mulyani during a working meeting with the DPR's Budget Agency, Wednesday, September 4.

In addition, Sri Mulyani said that the budget was available to anticipate the entry of additional members and leaders in the DPR, DPD, and MPR.

"So we have put it there," he said.

Meanwhile, the total budget of IDR 113 trillion is intended to fulfill Prabowo-Gibran's priority program called Quick Wins.

This priority program consists of a free nutritious food program (MBG) worth IDR 71 trillion which will be included in the National Nutrition Agency budget post.

This program is in the form of giving lunch to pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, toddlers, and students at all levels of education, including preschool, primary education, secondary education, both general, vocational, and religious.

Program kedua yaitu pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis sebesar Rp3,2 triliun. Program ini berupa cek kesehatan gratis untuk 52,2 juta orang meliputi pemeriksaan tensi, sugar darah, foto Xontgen untuk screening penyakit katastropic. S

ERA for the construction of a complete quality hospital (RS) in an area with a budget of IDR 1.8 trillion.

This program is carried out by increasing type D hospitals to type C in the regions along with their infrastructure and medical equipment.

Furthermore, the third program is in the education sector in the form of school renovations with a budget of Rp. 20 trillion. This program includes the renovation of classrooms and MCK.

The implementers are the Ministry of PUPR which will coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religion to determine the location of the school that will be renovated.

As well as an integrated flagship school program of IDR 2 trillion in the form of physical construction of superior schools in four locations, namely the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), North Sulawesi (Sulut), and North Maluku (Malut).

Then the fourth program, namely in the food security sector, in the form of the construction of national, regional and village food barns of Rp. 15 trillion, was divided through distribution at the PUPR Ministry post amounting to Rp. 7.5 trillion and the Ministry of Agriculture worth Rp. 7.5 trillion.

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