JAKARTA - Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Erika Retnowati reported, until now the realization of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) such as Solar subsidies and Pertalite (RON 90) has reached 60 percent of the quota that has been targeted since early 2024.

"Realization of distribution for diesel and Pertalite, yes. So until now the position is estimated at approximately 60 percent, lah! Both for diesel and for Pertalite," Erika said in the Energy Corner quoted on Tuesday, September 10.

For this reason, Erika ensures that the fuel quota that has been set since the beginning of the year is sufficient until the end of 2024.

"God willing, until the end of the year it will still be sufficient," he added briefly.

Regarding the fuel consumption target for 2025 which will be adjusted to the rules for tightening fuel consumption and the transition of the new president's government, Erika admits that she is aware of the revised fuel consumption target for 2025 because she also does not know for sure when the fuel distribution rules will apply.

"This means that we only project the quota next year based on existing trends, yes. Of course with more increased supervision," continued Erika.

He gave an example of the realization of the quota for 2023 to 2024 also decreased due to strict supervision through the use of information technology that uses barcodes, resulting in a decrease in volume from 2022 to 2023.

"So we also hope that in 2025 the quota will be slightly smaller than 2024. That's because of that, because there is tighter supervision and also because it will be registered later," concluded Erika.

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