JAKARTA - The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR said the Balikpapan-Samarinda (Balsam) toll road was the first expressway built by the government on the island of Kalimantan. The total length of this toll road reaches 97.27 kilometers (km).
"The Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road is an obstacle-free connectivity in East Kalimantan Province and is the first toll road on the island of Kalimantan with a total length of 97.27 km," explained @pupr_bpjt in his upload, quoted Monday, September 9.
This toll road has 5 sections, namely Section 1 & 5 of the Balikpapan-Samboja section with a length of 32.40 km which is government support. Then, Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the 64.87 km Samboja-Samarinda section are supported by the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) of PT Jasamarga Balikpapan Samarinda.
It is known, the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road has an important role in cutting faster travel times, which usually takes 3-4 hours. However, currently only 1.5-2 hours.
This toll road is part of supporting connectivity to the State Capital (IKN) area which can be passed directly between toll roads. So, with the connection of these two toll roads, users can go directly to Sepaku and enter IKN.
"And later it will become a supporting connectivity towards the Nusantara IKN area, it will be passed directly between faster toll roads!" he concluded.
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